Despite being the off season in Spain several clubs have still managed a game or two. Following up on La Manga´s  Christmas Fun Day, Sporting Alfas held an inter-club match on January 2cd of this year.The match proved a thrilling event and captured the attention of the Alfas spectators.

Spanish youngter Antonio Gomez Brown captained the Senior squad for the first time, and he chose to bat after winning the toss. The younger generation in the Alfas ranks performed admirably with Juniors, Jamie Roper, Leo Laundon, Kyle Roper, Jack Permain, Mark Perman, Anton Bodnaric and the captain himself all making healthy contributions in the game for their respective team.

Not to be outdone, the elder generation of Bellis, Nix, Geddes, Evans and Taylor also performed to their usually high standards, and in a game were the result was academic, every participant can be proud of their performance that gave the Alfas club a great start to the year. With regular tourists Tottenhoe, Glenrothes, Phillistines and The Nomads already booked for the coming season cricket at the Woodbridge Oval looks set for another entertaining year.

Lanzarote will have seven teams competing in the league next year, and the number of clubs in Cataluyna looks set to significantly increase.Ibiza have been updating their website during the winter months and the Southern league held a very productive AGM recently which was attended by members of Combined Colleges, Malaga and Fuengirola Cricket Clubs.

In Alicante  the Intellectuals kick start their year with an interclub match on the 30th of January. The match will be immediately followed by their AGM for the 2010 season. The Alicante based club will welcome their first touring side to Spain this year when the University of Manchester come to town in late June, closely followed by Nationwide CC of Swindon, and Earlham Village CC who grace Bonalba in September.

The day before the Intellectuals inter-club game, (29th January) Cricket España will be holding their AGM at Las Ramblas restaurant, next to Campoamor Golf Club, with first call at 11.30 am, for a prompt noon start. All Cricket España members are welcome.  Â