The season kick started into action this last weekend when several firsts took place throughout the regions in Spain.

In Andulucia, the newest cricket club in Spain, Seville Cricket Club held their first ever training session last Sunday at Parque Del Alamillo. Feedback from the session was excellent with a great turn out and the same again is planned for next Sunday. Anyone interested can get more information from the clubs website on facebook, Sevilla Cricket Club.

On the East coast at Campoamor, Orihuela CC played their first Inter club event at their new ground on their new wicket and just up the road at the Woodbridge Oval, Sporting Alfas entertained the first touring side of the 2011 season Tottenhoe CC.  The home side won the Saturday and Sunday games comfortably with Graham Howe and Mark Spencer both showing early season form, each notching up unbeaten half centuries.

At Bonalba the Intellectuals have had several inter club games this season and this coming Sunday the 13th of March they have a competitive home game against Orihuela CC. They will also be hosting their first ever touring side Nationwide of Swindon later on in the year.

Madrid have also had some early season activity with several weekend nets in the capital and two first team players Manny Fernandez and Adam Langhans have been doing numerous coaching sessions with the all Spanish team, Puerto Del Hierro who have joined Cricket Espana for a second consecutive season. Madrid CC are also working fevourishly behind the scenes with their 5th annual Solidarity Charity tournament that will take place in La Manga the Easter weekend.

Over in Ibiza, the Baeleric Cup will be played in Mallorca in mid May, and the month before, Sporting Alfas will be visitors to the island. Later on in the year Ibiza will play hosts to touring teams from the Fiddlers CC (Bucks) and the Stock Exchange.

Lanzarote will have a competitive six team league this year and the Lanzarote Cricket Association will also be coming over to the mainland to partake in the Madrid Twenty20 event for the first time in their young history.

The Southern league will be bolstered by the addition of Fuengirola this year and the new ground in Cartegna hosts its first touring side in April.  

Finally, Cataluyna continues to grow and grow with the Cataluyna Cricket Association President  Robert Masih promising more teams in the Cricket Espana league this year.

With he Spanish seniors and Under 19´s involved in International tournaments in the summer 2011 looks like it will be another progressive year for Spain as CE continues to strive for ICC status.        Â