Cricket Espana have confirmed they will hold a ICC Europe Level One Umpires Course in Madrid from the 25th to 27th of March.

Approximately 20 candidates will sit the Level One course presented by Keith Healey, a respected umpire trainer from the North Staffs and South Cheshire League. The course duration will be approxamately 16 hours, split over 3 days, with an examination at the end on the course on Sunday afternoon.

The candidates are representative of all areas of Spain. 3 candidates will be travelling over from the island of Lanzarote, and Barcelona will supply another 3 fledgling umpires. 4 Cricket Espana officials will represent the ECCL leagues and the Southern league will also have 3 umpires attending.

Finally Madrid CC and Madrid United CC will contribute seven candidates to the event. The course has been organised by Cricket Espana´s Umpire Co-ordinator John Howden who said, " The interest in the course was fantastic, unfortunately we were not able to accomodate all the applications but the fact that all the leagues in Cricket Espana have strong representation reflects how healthy cricket is in Spain at the moment"

The event will be held at the 4 star Novotel Madrid Sanchinarro which Cricket Espana got at a discounted price, thanks to the General Manager there, Phil Reid, who also happens to be a member of Madrid Cricket Club and the Spanish National team.

Plans are also currently underway for an " In house" scorers course in April and more details on this will be revealed when they are available.   
