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League Division 5 2014
                            P    W    T   NR    L   BP  Pts    %
Leinster 3                  6    4    0    1    1   12   92  73.60
Greystones                  7    4    0    2    1   12   92  73.60
Malahide 3                  5    3    0    1    1   13   73  73.00
Terenure 2                  4    1    0    1    2   12   32  42.67
Clontarf 3                  5    2    0    0    3   11   51  40.80
Merrion 4                   7    2    0    2    3   11   51  40.80
Railway Union 3             6    1    0    2    3    8   28  28.00
North County 3              6    1    0    1    4   11   31  24.60
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