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The Forum invites your opinion on any topic of relevance in Irish cricket. However, we reserve the right not to publish submissions written under pseudonyms or bogus email addresses, or which make gratuitous personal attacks.

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Date: 31/3/2016
Author: Mark
Tony Moran:
"Thanks for paraphrasing me, its good to read in case I had forgotten, but what about answering the key question I raised?"

Yes Morgan should definitely consider quitting England and playing test cricket for Ireland because his England test career is definitely over. As Lawrence Moore quite rightly states T20 cricket is all about entertainment but it isnt the real thing. There were over 80,000 people at the Melbourne derby this year so it has brought a lot of new people to cricket who otherwise wouldnt be interested in the sport but all the top players will tell you that they are judged on their test statistics first and foremost at the end of their careers.
Date: 31/3/2016
Author: scott

It brings the argument of players who where brought through the ranks of Northern Ireland declaring for republic team in football. So much money invested in these guys from their parent nation just to go swap over when they are 'Already made'

The players England choose are brought through the County ranks and have earned the right to play for that country so can not take that away.
Date: 31/3/2016
Author: Mark
" Yes England do seem to have an abundance of talent but a lot of it is imported talent "
Not unlike all the Cockney geezers in our national football team over the years."

Point accepted Eoin. As I said I have no problem with it but I couldnt help laughing my socks off when some members of the English press were slagging off "the South African Botha" and "the Australians Johnston, Bray and Langford-Smith" in 2007.
Date: 31/3/2016
Author: Tony Moran
Thanks for paraphrasing me, its good to read in case I had forgotten, but what about answering the key question I raised?
Date: 31/3/2016
Author: Eoin Stephens
" Yes England do seem to have an abundance of talent but a lot of it is imported talent "
Not unlike all the Cockney geezers in our national football team over the years.
Date: 31/3/2016
Author: burners
@David Cooke

A little off topic here, more people died in Pakistan in 2015 than died in the whole troubles, those figures likely being underestimates. And that excludes mob attacks against religious minorities

You wouldn't catch me going there to watch cricket.

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