The DCF’s”Integration project” continues its merry way around the country with visits to all corners. National Coach, Simon Talbot recently visited the first of several schools in the wonderful city of Odense, Fyn (where Hans Christian Andersen was born), where introduction sessions were delivered to class five at the Marie Jørgensen School. Simon was ably assisted by school teacher, and Fionia Cricket Club Coach, Rupert Dale, the basics of catching, and driving the ball being the main theme of the day to over thirty six children. “World Cup Cricket” as ever, proved to be the main winner of the day, the children particularly favouring the four and six over the single. Further sessions are scheduled for June, and a schools festival is in planning for August. Both Simon and Rupert are also in discussions about the establishment of an after school cricket club at the school, Rupert has informed me that Marie Jørgensen has a long history of cricket, and this is something they would very much like back on the curriculum.






Further North in Viborg, the “Integration Project” “Road Show” made its way to Bjerringbro to take part in the Viborg Sports day Project. The International Team of DCF Coaches led by newly arrived from South African Gary Glisson, South African/Dane,Theo Cupido and Kiwi Richard Quirk from Aalborg all helped deliver a fun packed cricket day to over three hundred children from schools all around the Viborg Area.

The day was an amazing event says development manager, Simon Talbot. Schools Co-ordinator Lone Simonsen has invited the project back to Viborg next year to attempt a new “World record” for cricket participation in Danish Schools, Mr Guiness had better beware as well! Great news as well for the project is that Lone has promised twenty five teachers that wish to attend a “Teachers INSET course “as well! Things are looking very much up in Viborg.


Down South, the good work continues to flow a plenty in Kolding, where overseas coach, Andrew Amos continues to spread the word of cricket around the town and surrounding areas. For those that have been lucky enough to work with Andrew, you will know the “magic” of which I speak, and Kolding in particular are beginning to reap the benefits both in recruiting new players and of course their improved performances on the pitch.

And North again, as the project moved its way to the mid Jutland town of Viborg once again. DCF National Coach, Simon Talbot, was present to deliver two days of “Introduction” to cricket at Søndre Skole. “The children had a great time, as always “World Cup Cricket” was ever popular, and the kids themselves learnt really quickly, they seemed to have a million and one questions about cricket, Danish cricket and of course England! The project continues its way around the country over the next few months, watch this space forfuther/future news.