Denmark's best and well known cricket Frederik Klokker has signed a contract with the Dutch club Excelsior 20 for the next two years. Frederik has been playing professional cricket in England during the past five to six years and has now taken the decision to try his luck in one of the Netherland's top clubs. It's no secret that several Dutch clubs have before shown an interest in Frederik but the 27 year old has been close in getting a contract with Derbyshire where he during the 2009 season played with a batting average over 30.

"I can't hide the fact that I'm a little disappointed in not getting a contact with Derbyshire last year where I felt I did my job as a wicketkeeper and batsman with satisfaction. I now look forward to the next two years in Dutch cricket where there are plenty of good foreign players and where the standard is improving year by year".

Frederik finished his English career in the Suffolk club Bury St. Edmonds and will start his new life in the Netherlands in February next year.

Frederik is this weekend playing in Copenhagen against Club Cricket Conference where he surprisingly was not behind the stumps in the first two games and that was not because of injury.