With the new season rushing towards at an ever increasing pace, Gibraltar Cricket are running an “Introduction to Umpiring” course at Victoria Stadium on March 15th, starting at 6.30pm.

The session provides the basic information on the Laws of the game whilst remaining interactive with those who take part. Although the course provides for supporters and parents who may have little prior knowledge of the game, it is also ideal for players who want to know more about why they were given “out” or that appeal was turned down last year.

It might even explain some of the decisions we’ll see on TV in the ICC World Cup or could act as a refresher for those who haven’t umpired in a while. The session will last no more than a couple of hours and is designed to be informal and not at all like sitting in a lecture room!

This is the first of several Officials and Coach Education courses planned for the year and, if you can’t make this one there should be further opportunities later in the Spring and early Summer.
For more information of to register your interest please email gibcricket@hotmail.co.uk or call Rich Askew on +350 58009210.