What have been the biggest changes in the game for associate players since you started your career?
The exposure on the international scene is far greater than when I started playing. Also, players are better looked after financially.

How significant has the introduction of professional / semi-professional contracts been in bridging the gap between the leading associates and test nations?
Initially, central contracts did not make much off a difference. It has taken a few years for the Dutch players to fully accept a professional attitude and I believe now that more players are contracted that we are going places. It should start to make a real difference.

The ICC have increased funding for leading associates to help them become more competitive at world cups. How effective has the High Performance Programme been and what else could be done to bridge the gap?
Funding is massively important! Also, exposure against the lesser Full Members/A teams on a regular basis would help the Associates to get better.

Is the Intercontinental Cup a popular competition with the players and to what extent is it crucial as a testing ground for potential promotion to test status?
I personally don’t think that four day cricket is the future. It’s not realistic to think of test cricket in the Netherlands. The focus should be on the short formats. I am not sure what the other players think of the Intercontinental Cup…

Do you think the winners of the Intercontinental Cup should get an opportunity to play a test match against the lowest ranked test nation? Is a two division Test Championship a good idea?
Not a bad idea. Again, I believe that the future of cricket is in the shorter formats.

How important is the T20 format in spreading the game and how can associates best capitalise on this?
Massively important. All Associates and Affiliates should focus on this format to gain ground on the international scene. In countries where cricket is not a main sport, you need to play short,fast,exciting matches to entertain the crowd. Only then will the media pick it up and show interest and then the public will follow.

Should leading associates, and leading associate players, focus on T20 for the greatest opportunity to be competitive or should the ultimate aim remain promotion to test cricket?
Definitely focus on T20. Forget Test cricket.

Is Test Cricket a realistic ambition for associate nations?
No, maybe for one or two but I don’t think it’s realistic for the Netherlands.

ICC figures show a huge increase in player participation over the last decade. In your experience what are the most effective ways of spreading cricket to new people/communities?
Media, clinics in schools and open days at clubs. All help create plenty of buzz.

What role do test nations have in raising standards and offering support to associate and affiliate nations in their region?
Offer Associates to play against their A teams on a regular basis.

You played for Sussex early in your career, how easy is it for players to balance career aspirations with representing their country?
It only becomes an issue when you have just managed to claim your spot in the First Team and your country wants you to play in a Qualifier somewhere. A professional player is always a bit weary about putting his possible contract in jeopardy. I was in that position once and didn’t enjoy it.

Should the ICC target lucrative markets such as USA or China or give every member an equal opportunity to progress?
It’s not a bad idea to target these markets. There is plenty of money and it could create more opportunities for everyone.

What is your most cherished memory on a cricket field?
Beating Bangladesh in our first ever win against a Full Member.

Any 'ones to watch' coming through the Dutch system to keep an eye on?
Tim de Kok from VOC Rotterdam

If you were asked to select an all time Netherlands XI what would it be?
Cantrell, De Leede, Lefebvre, van Noortwijk, Smits, Kloppenburg, Clarke, Khan, P.J. Bakker, Schiferli, Lubbers. 12th man: Esmeijer.

What are your future aspirations in the game?
I would like to be doing some physiotherapy work with international teams eventually.